Š.g. 20.jūnija Apvienoto Arābu Emirātu izglītības ministrs Husains Hamadi (Hussain bin Ibrahim Al Hammadi) ar delegāciju apmeklēja PSU. Universitātes padomes priekšsēdētājs Vans Dinhua (Wang Dinghua) un rektora vietnieks Jans Guohua (Yan Guohua) tikās ar ministru un viņa delegāciju.Vans Dinhua sagaidīja ministru Husainu Hamadi ar sirsnīgu uzrunu, tajā paužot pateicību Apvie...
Š.g. 13.aprīļa pēcpusdienā Japānas ārlietu ministrs Taro Kono apmeklēja PSU Japānas studiju centru, kur norisinājās sarunas ar programmas pasniedzējiem un studentiem. PSU Padomes priekšsēdētājs Vans Dinhua (Wang Dinghua) un rektora vietnieks Dzja Dedžons (Jia Dezhong) tikās ar ministru un viņa delegāciju.Vans Dinhua sagaidīja ministra kungu Taro Kono ar sirsnīgu uzrunu. Ru...
Pirmais azerbaidžāņu valodas kurss Ķīnā oficiāli sākās 28. februārī PSU (BFSU). 2015. gadā PSU saņēma atļauju no Izglītības Ministrijas, lai uzsāktu azerbaidžāņu valodas bakalaura...
On April 12, BFSU signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the University of Nottingham (UoN) on the setting up of the International Graduate School during a ceremony held at BFSU. Prof. Peng Long, BFSU ...
To provide our students an opportunity for international exposure and build their academic competence, BFSU is launching its Summer School 2016 scheduled July 4 to 29, 2016. Summer School 2016 will of...
On April 26,Ruth de Miranda, Director of the Bureau of Human Resources Management of UNESCO,visited BFSU and had a meeting with Vice President Yan Guohua. She also gave a lecture to BFSU teachers an...
On April 25, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski vistied BFSU and delivered a speech after visiting an exhibition dedicated to the great Polish Writer Henryk Sienkiewicz on the 100th annivers...
On April 25, Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski vistied BFSU and delivered a speech after visiting an exhibition dedicated to the great Polish Writer Henryk Sienkiewicz on the 100th annivers...
On May 17, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel, President of the University of Gottingen and her delegation paid a visit to BFSU and had a meeting with BFSU President Peng Long and Vice President Jia Wenjian. ...