
School of Asian and African Studies


The School of Asian and African Studies of BFSU was founded in 1961. At present, the School, the oldest institution in China teaching more Asian and African Languages than any other Chinese insitutions, offers undergraduate programs in 16 languages and language courses in 17 languages,involving a total of 33 laguages spoken in Asia and Africa. The School also houses a number of research centers such as the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, the Center for South Asian Studies, the Center for West Asian and African Studies,the Center for ROK and DPRK Studies, Sri Lankan Studies Center, Indonesian Studies Center and the Center for Iranian Culture. The School publishes an academic jounal— Asian and African Studies.


Now the School has 50 teachers including 20 full professors and associate professors. 21 of our teachers have doctoral degrees. Each year we recruit over 10 foreign experts to teach in our school, and invite Chinese and foreign scholars to serve as visiting professors. The School currently has nearly 500 students enrolled in our bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral programs. Apart from languages skill training, the School also offers our students general education courses and country and regional studies courses. For over 50 years, we have produced a large number of qualified professionals with good language competence as well as profound knowledge.

In the future, the School aims to further improve our teaching and research capacities and our undergraduate and postgraduate programs in order to produce high quality human resources for China and build ourselves into a first-class training base for non-commonly spoken language professionals. At the same time, we will also build ourselves into an important research base and inform China’s foreign policy by improving our research in humanities and social sciences as well as country and regional studies covering 26 countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia, East Africa, and West Africa.

Institute for Global History

The Institute for Global History, founded in 2014, has 10 doctoral candidates, 4 master’s candidates and 1 researcher doing postdoctoral research. We offer courses involving: history of translation studies in China; cultural studies; China in the eyes of western scholars; “westernization” and modernization; Chinese modern history in the context of global history; “Global History and China” thematic study; the Chinese language in global history; and guided readings related to “Global History and China”.

The Institute currently has a staff of 5, including 2 full professors (doctoral supervisors), 1 associate professor, 1 foreign expert, and 1 administrative assistant.

As a teaching and research institute, the Institute also does research on global history studies, regional and country studies, China and the world, and conceptual studies, etc. It is doing preparatory work to build a multilingual database for global history studies and launch journals includingGlobal History and Chinaand publish a series of publications includingGlobal History and China Series

中国北京市海淀区西三環路2号 100089





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