Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional


Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional BFSU didirikan pada tahun 2014. Cikal bakal Fakultas adalah Jurusan Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Fakultas Bahasa Inggris yang didirikan pada tahun 2003.

Nama Fakultas dalam bahasa Inggris adalah School of International Journalism and Communication, disingkat SIJC. Singkatan ini bertepatan dengan moto Fakultas, yaitu:Self-discipline(disiplin diri),Independence(kemandirian),Justice(keadilan), danCooperation(kerja sama).

Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional BFSU mengadopsi metode pengajaran non-tradisional yang menggabungkan pendidikan bahasa asing dengan ilmu jurnalistik dan komunikasi. Misi Fakultas adalah memenuhi kebutuhan zaman akan ketersediaan tenaga komunikasi dan jurnalistik yang berwawasan internasional, berpengetahuan luas, dan menguasai banyak bahasa. Lulusan Fakultas dituntut menguasai Bahasa Inggris dan minimal satu bahasa asing lainnya, memiliki kemampuan komprehensif, profesional, berkualitas, serta memegang teguh etos kerja yang positif.

Fakultas ini memiliki 13 staf pengajar, termasuk 4 profesor dan 2 profesor madya. Pengajar yang bergelar doktor sebanyak 12 orang. Fakultas ini juga mengundang pakar terkemuka dari dalam maupun luar negeri, termasuk tokoh media dan jurnalis, untuk mengajar atau memberikan kuliah tamu. Saat ini terdapat seorang pakar asing yang menjabat sebagai dekan di Fakultas.

Fakultas memiliki 200 mahasiswa sarjana, 60 mahasiswa program magister, dan pada tahun 2016 akan mulai menerima mahasiswa program doktor.

Program sarjana meliputi Jurusan Jurnalistik (dengan arah Jurnalistik Internasional) dan Jurusan Komunikasi Strategis. Program magister meliputi Jurusan Jurnalistik (dengan arah Jurnalistik Internasional) dan Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi (dengan arah Komunikasi Internasional). Sedangkan arah studi untuk program doktor antara lain Komunikasi Lintas Budaya, Jurnalistik Internasional Omnimedia, Komunikasi Strategis, dan Komunikasi Bahasa Ibu Target Audiens.

Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional BFSU memiliki tiga pusat kajian, antara lain Pusat Kajian Jurnalistik Internasional, Pusat Kajian Komunikasi Internasional, Pusat Kajian Teori dan Peraturan Media, di samping Pusat Riset Bahasa Sejarah dan Komunikasi Strategis.

Pendidikan program sarjana terdiri dari 3 modul, yaitu modul kemampuan Bahasa Inggris, modul ilmu komunikasi dan jurnalistik, serta modul kemampuan profesional yang mencakup diplomasi, budaya, dan ilmu politik. Mahasiswa diwajibkan untuk lulus Ujian Nasional Perguruan Tinggi Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Tingkat 8 (TEM-8) serta menyelesaikan skripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris. Lebih dari 90 persen kuliah menggunakan bahasa pengantar Bahasa Inggris, sehingga mahasiswa mempelajari ilmu jurnalistik dan komunikasi dan di saat bersamaan meningkatkan kemampuan mendengar, bicara, membaca, menulis, menerjemahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Mahasiswa bisa mengambil mata kuliah pilihan bahasa asing ketiga atau mata kuliah program mayor ganda.

Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional BFSU memiliki media sendiri yang dikelola mahasiswa. Mahasiswa juga dipersiapkan untuk mengikuti program magang di kantor berita Xinhua, China Daily, China Radio International, China Central Television, dan berbagai media nasional terkemuka lainnya.

Fakultas membina kerja sama dengan berbagai perguruan tinggi terbaik dunia, termasuk dari Amerika Serikat, Inggris Australia, Selandia Baru, Irlandia, dan Austria.

Komitmen Fakultas Jurnalistik dan Komunikasi Internasional BFSU bukan hanya membekali mahasiswa dengan pendidikan profesional terbaik di bidang jurnalistik dan komunikasi, tetapi juga membina mereka menguasai bahasa asing demi meraih masa depan di dunia global.

Committed to nurturing talent with an interdisciplinary educational background and multilingual skills, Beijing Foreign Studies University has been a national leader for over 70 years. Now with the foundation of the School of International Journalism and Communication (SIJC) in 2014, it has introduced an innovative teaching model, integrating foreign language study with training in journalism.

SIJC also stands for the school motto: Self-discipline, Independence, Justice and Cooperation.

Born from the School of English and International Studies, SIJC teaches students a well-rounded skill set, proficiency in English, ability in a second foreign language as well as the skills and expertise of the professional journalist. Students are encouraged to develop mentally, morally, socially, and physically.

Currently, the School has thirteen teaching staff, including four professors and two associate professors. Twelve of them have received doctoral degrees. SIJC also recruits domestic and foreign scholars, media experts and journalists as part-time or visiting professors. An international specialist in strategic communications has been appointed as co-Dean

The main focus of SIJC’s teaching and research is in international journalism, global communication, cross-cultural communication, media ethics, history and theory of advertising and public relations, strategic communication and the history and theory of journalism. The school currently has around 200 BA and 60 MA students and will be starting a PhD programme in 2016.

The undergraduate curriculum includes three main sections of courses – English language skills, journalism and communication and relevant subjects such as public diplomacy, cultural studies, politics etc. Students of this program are expected to pass the national English proficiency test, TEM-8 (Test for English Major-Band 8), in their fourth year and complete their BA thesis in English.

The journalism and communication courses are designed to give students an understanding of how the media operate, journalistic ways of thinking and practical skills in news reporting, writing and editing. Most of the courses are taught in English. Students of this programme are also required to take modules in English language and literature, law, international relations, economics or business management.

SIJC attaches great importance to experiential learning. Students are encouraged to contribute to campus media such asFirst Mover,an English newspaper focusing on both national and world news;107 Investigation, a newspaper in Chinese featuring in-depth reporting; orWenxin, a Chinese newspaper with an emphasis on literature. In addition, students can intern at Xinhua News Agency, China Daily, China Radio International, China’s Central Television (CCTV), Information Office of the State Council as well as international media outlets based in Beijing. Internship is a compulsory part of the course.

Our quality education and proper training prepare students for employment, with a significant ability in foreign languages and professional skills for their further education. In recent years, more and more graduates have successfully entered prestigious universities at home and abroad to continue their studies.      

Graduates from the school find work as journalists, editors, translators, or managers in public relations or teachers and researchers in education. Many have found employment in the following areas:

  • Central government such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture, the State Sports General Administration, the Ministry of State Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce;

  • Media such as Xinhua News Agency,China Daily, CCTV,People’s Dailyand other key state institutions and at all levels of newspapers, television, radio and internet media;

  • Foreign employers such as Associated Press and other news companies abroad and the China-based office of Bertelsmann and Mars, a Global 500 enterprise.

SIJC works with universities around the world, offering our students truly international opportunities at both BA and MA levels. Our partners include the undergraduate cooperative programs with Columbia University, University of Leicester, University of Queensland and National University of Ireland Maynooth. Our MA partners include the BFSU-Bolton International Multimedia Journalism MA Program (approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education), cooperative programs with Lancaster University and the University of Auckland; an MA student-exchange with the Universities of Vienna and Salzburg; and summer school programmes, with the University of California at Berkeley and Cambridge University.

Students taking our course in communications or journalism are assured of not only a professional level of education in that subject but a quality of language teaching that gives them the opportunity to reach out as a part of China’s global development.


2 Western 3rd Ting Road North, Haidian Beijing, China 100089





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